College Athlete Recruiting Tips

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As a kid, many of us dream or had dreamt of becoming a collegiate athlete. We grow up watching our favorite teams play our favorite sports, and think about how cool it would be if we can someday be the ones playing in those games. As we develop as athletes, we start to see these dreams become a reality during high school sports.  High school is filled with preparing our young men and women for their futures ahead. High school is also where college recruiting begins. The college recruiting process for student athletes can be long and include visiting a number of different schools. Knowing how the process completely works, and how you can promote yourself as both an athlete and an individual is very important.  At Warren Academy, we offer athletic training programs for youth athletes in an effort to better develop them and help make their dreams come true. Here are some tips on how to go through the college athlete recruiting process effectively.  Start Early As an aspiring collegiate athlete, you should be starting the process earlier than later. It’s never too early to start thinking about where you want to play, and which colleges are the most appropriate to you. For most sports, coaches can start reaching out to athletes starting June 15th after their sophomore year of high school or September 1st of their junior year of high school. Nowadays athletes are committing earlier than ever. Waiting to start your recruiting process after your junior year is too late, which is why being proactive about starting early is so important.  Keep Your Options Open When searching for schools, many athletes seem to think their only option is a Division 1 university. However, this isn’t true for all athletes. As Division 1 gets the most attention, the most television coverage and the most scholarships, this is far from the only option. There are many levels of college athletics, including NCAA Division 2 and 3, NAIA and Junior College. Having the mindset that you will only play for a Division 1 school will limit your recruiting options and your chances of receiving a scholarship.  Academics Are Important When going through the recruiting process, make sure you’re not only evaluating each school on their athletic program, coaches and teams, but also their academics. This is not only important to you as a student athlete, but coaches see this as important as well. Maintaining good grades during high school will only better your chances of receiving a scholarship. Ask coaches or other school officials if they offer your major, and how their academic programs compare to other institutions when visiting or over the phone. This will not only help you determine which school is the best fit for you and your future, but it lets coaches know that you care about both academics and athletics. Keep Your Social Media Clean Most kids are pretty active on social media, and coaches utilize this to learn more about their prospects. Many coaches also use social media to reach out to athletes they are interested in. Posting inappropriate material on your Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram does not look good to coaches who are recruiting you, and can be a determining factor when it comes to scholarships.  All said and done, college athletic recruiting is becoming more and more competitive year after year. College coaches want student athletes who are willing to work hard in both athletics and academics, who are professional both in person and on social media, and who are keeping their nose clean and staying out of trouble. Doing that, being proactive and keeping your options open will only benefit your chances of living out that dream.  Warren Academy offers a number of athletic training programs that don’t just focus on becoming a better player, but a better person. To learn more about our athletic training programs and how Warren Academy can help young athletes fulfill their dreams, visit our website today!  

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