The Top Reasons Sports Are Good For Kids

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Getting the kids to put the device down and take a break from screen time can be difficult, especially in the Summer months. Signing your child up for a summer sports will keep them busy and physically active, but when kids participate in team sports they learn several positive life lessons that they will carry with them forever. Programs like team sports can promote not only physical development in children, but also the emotional and social development. Here are reasons why you should sign your child up for sports: Sports boosts self-esteemPlaying sports allows children to learn to be confident both on and off the field. Allowing kids to have the opportunity to achieve their goals on the field, allows them to achieve goals later on in life.   Playing sports helps develop teamworkPlaying on a team lets kids develop communication and problem solving skills. They are working with others to reach a common goal.   It’s a natural stress relieverExercise is a great way for kids to blow off steam and loosen up. Playing a team sport also allows kids to make friends and provides them with a support system.   Develops competitiveness Life is full of times when you will have to compete. If you aren’t willing to compete, you will always end up with the short end of the stick. Team sports is the best way to prepare your kid for a competitive world.   Kids develop healthy lifestyle habitsRegular daily physical activity improves a kids fitness and helps them stay in shape while allowing them to learn fitness habits that they can use later on in life.   Winning and losingTeam sports can teach your kids how to win and how to lose. Throughout your kids time in sports, they will be on both sides of winning and losing and they need to learn how to deal with both.     It’s fun!!At the end of the day playing sports will allow kids to make memories that they will carry around with them for a lifetime. You will always remember the achievements that you worked hard for during the game. You’ll also likely gain longtime friends as you grow up on the same team as your neighbors or schoolmates.   Want to learn more about getting your kids into sports, contact us at Warren Academy to get your kids signed up today!

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